Friday, October 31, 2008

Come one, come all

Counting down the days now till WotLK and following the presidential election. Got stuck in trade chat last night as I was posting my Herbs on the AH (TY TY TY for inscription jacking up the prices - I post mine at WAY less and always sell). Anyways, about trade chat...

It was on fire with poli-talk. Man, oh, man was it rabid. I ended up posting, grabbing a bat, and flying out of TB to log so I wouldn't have to see any more of it.

WotLK has been pre-ordered, using my Best Buy gift card (yay for christmas!). I'll be, hopefully, back to more blogs once the game goes live. I'll even start getting some FRAPS going to post some vids following the lore/legend that is the DK.

BTW - I'm diggin' the Shaman(53)and Druid (26) classes. Of the two, the Shaman feels more dangerous but less controllable while the druid feels unstoppable. I'm curious as to how they'll both play in Outlands.