Monday, February 4, 2008

Banee Rocks HARDCORE!

So, Banee and I were in Winterspring slaughtering some Yetis and Owlbear/beast things. Who knew they carried such great shields?

Skullflame Shield

Oh yes. I went and slapped a +18 STA on it. Now, looks like I have a great shield to start my Tanking XP at 60. It also looks FRAKKIN' SWEET! The flame and and skull thing, SWEEEET!

Gotta say thanks to Banee for it, though. It was his idea to quest out Winterspring. Man were we tearing it up. Can't WAIT for Outlands.

I find myself running in front of other tanks and pressing my D-stance macro to pop the shield on my back. Those flames kick out and it's like "LOOK AT ME, RAWR!!!"

Rock on.

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