Monday, February 11, 2008

Tier 0 Outlands Look-a-like

Stumbled across these little goodies. Another goal to shoot for as you work to 70 is the Tier 0 look-a-like set. It has no helm but I've found a replacement for that.

Hellfire Ramparts 60-62
WAIST: Tenacious Defender (Omor the Unscathed, 13%) [**obtained in 4 runs**]
FEET: Ironsole Clompers (Naz and Vaz, 18%) [**obtained in 13 runs**]

The Blood Furnace 61-63
HANDS: Ironblade Gauntlets (The Maker, 16%) [**obtained in 1 run**]

The Slave Pens 62-64
CHEST: Unscarred Breastplate (Quagmirran, 20%) [**obtained in 2 runs**]

The Underbog 63-65
SHOULDERS: Pauldrons of Brute Force (The Black Stalker, 16%) [**obtained in 3 runs**]
LEGS: Greaves of the Iron Guardian (Swamplord Musel'ek, 17%) [**obtained in 8 runs**]

Mana Tombs 64-66
WRISTS: Nexus-Bracers of Vigor (Nexus-Prince Shaffar, 12%)
SHIELD: Shield of the Void (Pandemonius, 13%)

Auchenai Crypts 65-67
HEAD: Hope Bearer Helm (Shirrak the Dead Watcher, 16%)

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