Friday, January 25, 2008

Friends in WoW

I just wanted to send a shout-out to a couple of people I've grouped with who've made the experience great.

1) Antje - my wife's warlock. Yes, I get frustrated. Yes, we have different playstyles. Yes, I still have a great time when we're on and you get excited about seeing something new or when you level. It's pretty nifty.

2) Banee - Druid who does it all. I have no clue how to play a druid so when Banee sits there and talk about how he can be the healer/ DPS/ Tank for the group, I kinda feel useless. He's frakkin' badass at doing what he does and I love watching a druid who knows how to shift forms quick enough to handle any situation.

3) GOOD Shamans - All specs. Those guys that know how to use 'em. I love grouping with a good shammy. Oh man do things die fast.

4) All of Rend Fate - Casi, Linaran, Drunky, Dunkie, Ery, Orko, Sabrine, Rayne, Morgaine and all the others I missed. They put up with me asking stupid questions and acting a general kiddy fool when I get loot.

5) Any healing class gets a big YAY from me as well. Ah, healing. Seeing that green number above my head brings such joy to this Orcish heart.

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